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OCR: Americans holdings 10 asset categories Median holding 1% who oun Top209 All households Ages 16to sabt 35to Ages 45 to Ages 5510.M an Thousehdlds Interest -free checking 487 148981 075.1459 46G 151510 652. 156961 15057[4450 STEIGORO accounts Interest bearing bank 13.494 17361 551671 2438172 .64074 accounts and COs US Savings Bonds FB9 2661 151 4512151 556 122431 1.079 0129) Money-market funds 10.91 19961 4.42 2308 08191 14.526 pue bonds Stocks and Imiutual funds 4.510 (274) 1615 16 315123 4.431 125951 9.493 127961 TLOTT 23) Home equity 43070 164301 T 1840040 9892 19491 48.301 17481 1T-285 T Rental propert} equity 37.499 [930] 18.555 30.725 19%1 41.01311391 52.982 12181 450751 S 181311831 Other real estate equity 13,064 TO1ST 10.085 1596 16.5971119 115W1 21.558 117 1747 IRAS and Keoghs 9.016 ...